Hedley Sutton

Our class

 We’re here! I looked out the window and saw the aged care facility.

4T were going on an excursus to Hedley Sutton Aged Care Facility for a community service.

I met a lovely old man called John who was unfortunately blind but he was one of the nicest men I have met. We were chatting the whole time. His first car was an Aston 7!

Have you ever been to a Nursing Home? If you have what did you do there? If you haven’t what would you do there?

Book Chat

 In years 3-6 at my school we do book chat. Book chat is where you get to choose from about 5 books.

I choose the book Blueback. Blueback is a book about a boy called Able who lives with his Mum on the beach. One day he is swimming and he finds a big blue fish. He named the fish Blueback. I chose this book because I liked the sound of the blurb.

Do you like reading books? If you do tell me.

Avatars are Amazing

In 4T we have created our avatar. What is an avatar? Well I’m about to tell you.

An avatar is an online picture. It can be boring or cool.But you should always have a reason for your design.

Avatars are important. Why are they important? They are in important because they can protect your self from people who might try and do something not very nice. If you put a picture of your self as an avatar it will be possible to find you.

I have put a santa hat on my avatar. This is because I like celebrating.

What would you make your avatar look like?